
To create a Christ centered atmosphere that fosters discipleship.


To provide HOPE and a FRESH START through the WORD of God that transforms lives.

Our Story

Fresh Start Church had it’s very first service in March of 2016 at Jesse Bethel High School in the city of Vallejo, CA. With approximately 5 members, the vision was launched and we began immediately making an impact. Over the years we have continued to be blessed and are a growing, vibrant and multigenerational church.

We hold our worship services every Sunday. To see location and times click here.

Thirsty Thursday Bible Study is held virtually on Facebook & YouTube. To see upcoming sessions click here.


Our Leaders (Captains)

The weekly operations of Fresh Start Church are overseen by Leaders known as Captains. Each captain has direct oversight under the guidance of Pastor Lewis for a specific ministry or line of service also known as Dream Teams. They include:

ADMINISTRATION: Shawnda McBeth - admin@freshstart707.org

GROWTH TRACK: Daylis Earl - growthtrack@freshstart707.org


FRESH YOUTH:Camelia Williams

FRESH KIDS: Pastor Lewis

FRESH TOTS: Pastor Lewis

LIFE GROUPS: Pastor Lewis- lifetogether@freshstart707.org


MEDIA & PRODUCTIONS: Vanika “Lady V” Lewis- ladyv@freshstart707.org

Our Teams

Fresh Start Church is made up of wonderful volunteers who serve on Dream Teams. Dream Team members serve throughout the week and on Sundays to assure that we have what we need to meet the needs of our visitors each week. Dream Team members also work diligently to serve during outreach efforts within the community. We honor our Dream Team members and are grateful for their work to help assure that Fresh Start Church operates in excellence.


We believe freedom is found through the context of kingdom relationships, formed though shared values, beliefs and principles. Because of this we encourage members of Fresh Start to build relationship through Life Groups.

These groups are offered on a seasonal, semester basis and vary.



Our Values

Our values are who we work to become and not just what we do. Values guide the culture set at Fresh Start Church and are often referred to as the Culture Code.

Integrity- Proverbs 10:9

  • We do what is right over what is convenient, even if we must do it alone.

Compassion- Colossians 3:12

  • We never look down upon anyone unless we are helping them up.

Christ Centered- John 12:32

  • We keep Jesus as our center attraction; at the forefront of our thoughts and actions.

Excellence- Colossians 3:23

  • We do not settle for good when we are capable and equipped to be the best.

Innovation- Ecclesiastes 3:1

  • We are forward thinkers who see change as an opportunity and not as a threat.

Relational- Hebrews 10:24

  •  We are intentional about doing life together.

Servitude- 1 Peter 4:10

  • We are contributors and not just consumers.

Leadership- Philippians 3:17

  • We are the reason others want to be better.

Discipleship- Matthew 28:18-20

  • We develop Christ followers and not just church goers.

Honor- Romans 13:1

  • We consider it a privilege to respect those whom Jesus Christ has placed in position.

Our Bedrock Prinicples

Fresh Start Church has six foundational Bedrock Principals that guide every aspect of operations. They are:

EVANGELISM- We strive to reach those who are far from God.

GROWTH- We believe that Hope for the community is found through the local church. The more we grow, the greater the impact.

WORSHIP- Our opportunity to give to God of ourselves is found in worship, thus it is integrated into all that we do.

OUTREACH- The church has always been an establishment to help meet the needs of those they can reach. At Fresh Start we do this through our Fresh Mart Initiative.

GENEROSITY - We see giving as a way to honor God. We generously give inwardly through tithes and offering to support the vision of the church, and we generously give outwardly to meet the needs of others. (see Outreach)

PRAYER- Talking to and hearing from God helps us to ensure that we stay in alignment with His will for our lives and our church. Prayer is a vital aspect of all that we do.

Fresh Start Church is a non-denominational Christian Church.

Our beliefs and principals can be viewed by clicking the following button.